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About Me


LifeStyled By Larisa formed from a passion for the things that I love most – with family and decor at the top of my list! I literally started my first decorating based album on social media by accident, while taking pictures of my dog when he was looking cute hanging out in different rooms in my recently remodeled home! Rocky Roberts is the best accent piece/model I’ve ever had. He was there from the beginning & part of my inspiration to start LifeSTYLED By Larisa!


Looking back, my love for makeovers has always been my passion. I literally played with Barbie Dolls until 7th grade, because I was obsessed with dressing them up and decorating my Malibu Mansion! Throughout my childhood, my Mom (who has impeccable taste and my biggest critic, which I love) took me shopping almost daily...she even drove my sister, Lesley (who, by the way did not get the shopping gene for whatever reason?? lol) and I around in our 80’s family van that had “Shop Till Ya Drop” on it’s bumper for as long as my memories go back to!


Besides focusing on exterior makeovers, I am at peace in my life knowing that everyone (including me) is still a work in progress. My Dad always taught me what it meant to lead by example, and made me in to the strong, confident, opinionated woman I’m proud to husband always tells me that’s what he loves most about me! One thing is for sure is knowing that you can only control your own feelings about yourself, and “it’s none of your business what others think about you”...and that’s totally OK! Like most people, I am far from perfect and am the first to admit when I make mistakes. In my heart, I know who I am, and always try to do the best I can to help people. Most importantly, I don’t pretend to know it all, and I love learning from others! One thing I can promise is that my intentions are always coming from a good place.


Some of my major views on life and some amazing realizations came from watching Oprah... I'm a huge fan of how she can inspire others to do well and I have watched every.single.episode. I watched her show religiously, had many "ah-ha!" moments, "ugly cried" when her show went off the air, and have the entire box-dvd set...I even threw a Goodbye Oprah party when her show stopped! Though I learned much from taking numerous psychology and sociology courses in college, growing and learning from my past experiences (both good and bad) have taught me the most, and I love sharing my knowledge with others.


Because of these combined influences, studying ways to improve mind, body, and surroundings, has always come naturally to me. I love how life changes daily and every day allows you to learn something new. Not only are the services I’ve chosen to offer through creating LifeSTYLED By Larisa topics that I’ve had personal experience with, they are subjects I have always been told I was good at helping people with. There’s only so many times a person can hear, “you should do this for a living” or “can I hire you as my...?” before I started to think, why not incorporate this in to my already established and successful career, and do it all?! As Aunt Judy and Uncle John always say, “If not now, when?”!


I hope that LifeSTYLED By Larisa can serve as a source of inspiration for anyone who is on a personal journey to improve their surroundings and matter what path they choose to focus on first! Thank you to all of my past clients and friends (old and new) who have placed their trust in me. Not only has it allowed me to do what I love, but you have given me the courage to start this new journey in life. I’ll never be able to fully show my appreciation to everyone who has helped inspire me over the years, but please know I’ll forever be grateful. To my friends, if I have helped inspire you along the way, or know people who may be able to benefit from what I have to offer, I would LOVE if you could PLEASE share my page. Whether you’ve been following me since day one, or if you are reading this for the first time, I would love to meet in the future and find out how I can help! Remember, only worry about things you CAN control and let’s get YOUR LifeSTYLED!


Education & Experience


Director of Sales & Real Estate Agent

Coastal Bay Realty, LLC.

After receiving a Degree in Marketing (with a Minor in Mass Communications) from the University of Florida, I was recruited by a home builder and I became a licensed Real Estate Agent. Working in model centers in the New Home Construction industry during the early days of my Real Estate career taught me the tricks of the trade, and sparked a passion for home design. This knowledge has transformed in to a healthy obsession over the past 20 years that I always loved- even when I took several years off to be a full time stay at home Mommy! To this day, I still enjoy having the privilege of helping friends, family and real estate clients make their dreams in to a reality. After much encouragement from my happy clients, I’m finally at a point in my life when I can focus on extending my passion beyond my real estate, friends, and family network. Being a licensed Real Estate Agent and a LifeSTYLER officially combines my decorating and fashion expertise, into one career! Most importantly, it allows me the time and flexibility to still be a full time Mommy, yet still be able to do what I love professionally!


Meeting Planner & Cruise Specialist

Ships-N-Trips, Inc.

Yet another path in life that I stumbled upon, was becoming an Event Planner in the Travel Industry. I was recruited in to this field a couple of years ago after a neighbor of mine noticed my talent for party planning and my love for travel! My extensive experience, was validated when I became a Founder and President of the non-profit charity, Trinity Women’s League. I have the privilege of helping raise thousands of dollars to local families in need by running numerous fundraisers and galas over the years. Receiving my degree in Marketing (with a Minor in Mass Communications) from the University of Florida gave me a foundation of knowledge that allowed me to fast track myself into this fun and rewarding career. Meeting and Event Planing has allowed me to help numerous corporations and families plan their destinations and allowed me the opportunity to do what I love, throughout the country!


Decorator, Personal Shopper & Life Styler

LifeStyled By Larisa

I’ve worked numerous years in the Retail Fashion Industry throughout college, personal shopping for my friends for decades, and most recently making my dreams a reality by creating LifeSTYLED By Larisa! Updating my family’s wardrobe and home combined with doing makeovers for others has always been something I’ve loved to do as a hobby throughout my entire life! To this day, Clueless and Pretty Woman are still my favorite movies...I’m thankful I became a LifeSTYLER instead of the alternative! I have always been the go-to shopping buddy for my family and friends...especially the ones who hate hunting for clothes and prefer just to buy off a mannequin in an organized department store! (My besties who I’m talking about know who they are!!) Many people have no idea how much money they could be saving if they had the patience of sifting through racks and literally finding the exact same clothing at discount stores...luckily for you, that’s one of my favorite things to do!


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